
January 5, 2017

A few weeks ago I had the honor of capturing a beautiful momma to be, and her husband. I had such an amazing time! When booking this session we had no idea that Florida was going to turn on its winter switch, and it was so cold!

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I was wearing long pants, and jacket and I was still cold, but this momma was such a trooper! She rocked her entire session in a lace gown ::insert teeth chattering:: and still had an amazing smile the entire time!

I have two important goals when capturing a maternity portrait session, first thing is I want convey the bond between mom and her unborn baby. This is such a special time for mom, these moments won’t last forever and I want mom to be able to look back and really remember what it was like to be pregnant. Secondly, I love capturing the bond between mom, dad and baby! Bringing out true emotions between everyone is my ultimate goal.

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Summer and Chris were absolutely perfect! The love was oozing off of them, and I could really feel their excitement for their little guy to arrive. Despite it being much colder than us Floridians are used to, we laughed, and joked and had an absolutely amazing time! I look forward to meeting Baby boy Rich for his Newborn photos <3





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