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Lydia L photography is a premier photography studio based near Mount Juliet, tennessee
Hey hey amazing people! I am trying to get back into the swing of things and start blogging weekly again! So recently my absolute favorite store Michael’s announced something called “The Michael’s Challenge”. Michael’s is one of my absolute favorite stores – I can wander around there for hours, it is my favorite thing […]
Happy February all! I can not even believe that we are already mid into February, how did that happen. So I was doing some thinking and decided that I wanted to create a cake smash bucket list. What is this you ask – exactly what is sounds like. I created a list of cake […]
1 year later… This time last year I made a vow to myself that I would start blogging more, and by golly I succeeded. I have tried blogging before, but it always ended after the 2nd or 3rd blog post. This past year it was so different, I enjoyed blogging so much more. It was […]
Okay, so here I am sitting here trying to figure out how on earth is it almost 2018. I feel like the past year flew by – but boy it was a good one. The year was amazing, and it was so nice to meet such incredible people! It is always such an honor to […]
:: insert your favorite Christmas song and start humming :: we all know that feeling of the holiday rush right? I honestly can not believe that we are already in the middle of December. I woke up one day and BOOM – December is almost over. As always this is my busiest time of the […]
If i could give one bit of advice to all moms around the world it would be. Never miss an opportunity to take a picture your children, because one day you will be saying i wish i took just one more picture when they were little. I had an amazing session with a mom and […]
As the holidays approach I know everyone is in the process of planning the perfect holiday photos! For some families it is the only family photo that they take all year – so I know how vital perfect outfits are. The one thing that I can not stress enough is to make sure that the […]
Every summer I like to do a fun and exciting summer mini session! As always i like to gear all of my sessions toward children – because after all they are the ones who tend to enjoy summer the most. This year we had a blast doing somethingI have never done before! It was mom […]
Hey everyone! This is going to be short and sweet! I know we are only in October – BUT as a mom of two small children I know I like to plan ahead, to be sure I get those ever so cute Christmas Photos in! My girls are the face of our Christmas card, and I […]
Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! – Dr. Seuss When you turn one you might as well do it in style! What better way than with a Dr. Seuss themed cake smash. Ks mom was super crafty and made a lot […]
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