Photography Studio

July 26, 2019

good golly, time gets away from you so quickly when you are busy!

I am so happy that I have been so busy, but super bummed I have not kept up with my blogging! I love to share new sessions with you all, and I have decided I will not go silent again! Let me catch everyone up!

Both of my children are getting so big – I honestly have no idea how its happened so fast!

My Oldest Lorelai is 5 and will be heading in to kindergarten. I honestly can not believe that my sweet girl will be heading off to big girl school, and I am not sure if I am ready for that or not. She sure it ready – she is ready for an adventure, and I know she will do so well! Momma on the other hand, I will probably spend the day crying.


My little one Evangeline is my wild child and most definitely in the terrible twos stage. Her favorite things include eating, following me around and eating!

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As for me – I have been working away and I am LOVING IT! I have to thank all of the amazing clients new and old who have helped make Lydia L Photography what it is today!

I enjoy getting to watch so many children grow – but I also enjoy getting to meet so many new and wonderful people!

If you are new here, and not sure what areas I service let me give you a bit of information,

I shoot locally in Bradenton and palmetto – however I also service Sarasota and travel to Tampa and Orlando.

Don’t want book your session today!

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