
November 1, 2017

As the holidays approach I know everyone is in the process of planning the perfect holiday photos! For some families it is the only family photo that they take all year – so I know how vital perfect outfits are.

The one thing that I can not stress enough is to make sure that the outfits you select, you and your family are comfortable in. If you are not comfortable with what you are wearing you will not be happy with the end result of your images. If your children are not comfortable they are most likely going to be very unhappy littles during the session.  

Things to ditch

The same exact outfit on your girls/boys : Why you ask? This really could be a matter of opinion , however I think its a little overwhelming. I know you may have found the most perfect outfit for your children BUT  I promise there are more amazingly cute outfits that don’t look identical to each other out there.

Same exact color/different shirts: Once you find a color you like avoid grabbing the same color shirt in different styles. || I will go into this more in detail a little later ||

Shirts with logos/designs or words: As fun as those cute little sayings are, they don’t photograph well.


Things to do

TIP: Before you even start shopping – think about some colors you may want to have incorporated into your portraits. I am a big believer that you do not HAVE to wear red or green to create the perfect photo.

Sometimes I will pick our colors based on the perfect shirt I found for myself or my daughter.

– Coordinate – Instead of making everyone in your photo match perfectly have them coordinate! It adds variety and contrast to you photo!

– Do not shy away from prints or patterns – It is okay to have patterns, and prints and even more than 1 person can wear them too. The most important thing is that you want them to compliment each other.


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This lovely family is a perfect example of coordinating colors. By using the gold in mom and little sisters outfit they pulled in brown with little brothers shoes. This family looked amazing during their session.  

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The kids looked stunning during their session, and most importantly they were all comfortable which led to an all around happy session!


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The photos above are perfect examples of incorporating a print and multiple colors into your family portraits. Both families kept it smile yet made sure all colors complimented eachother.

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This last photo you can see that there are multiple prints — however they all tie into the overall fell and look of the session.


One thing that I really want point out is, all of these images are perfect for a holiday photo – yet none of the families are wearing red, black or green!


Happy shopping! Remember your photographer is always there for any wardrobe advice you may need!

  1. Christie says:

    These are great tips for your Bradenton families on the search for a Childrens photographer

  2. Nina Bashaw says:

    I love all of these tips for families looking to book a Bradenton Childrens Photographer for their family photos. I agree, it’s great to coordinate and not match perfectly. You do absolutely gorgeous work!!!

  3. Rebecca says:

    This article is so helpful in picking out our outfits for family portraits! Sarasota has a photographer who really cares about the people she works with! Your children’s images are stunning!

  4. catie says:

    I always find myself over thinking my childrens clothing for sessions with our photographer. Do you have a studio in Sarasota?

  5. Sarah says:

    This was SO helpful! As a Sarasota Childrens photographer you are so prepared! Thank you!

  6. Amanda says:

    All of these tips are on-point. I love how invested you are in your Sarasota clients whether for a childrens Photographer session or a family photography portrait session.

  7. Keila says:

    This truly is a perfect article with wonderful advice! Sarasota and Bradenton are lucky to have such an amazing and caring childrens photographer!

  8. Katerina says:

    Bradenton has so many families! I can see why you’re a Childrens Photographer!

  9. Emily says:

    This is so helpful! Sarasota families are lucky to have such a talented, knowledgeable children’s photographer nearby

  10. Codie says:

    What a great resource for Sarasota children and families! You’re such a great photographer who thinks of everything!

  11. Deborah says:

    These are awesome tips!! Sarasota is lucky to have such an awesome Childrens Photographer!!!!

  12. Amanda says:

    I just love your tips for Sarasota families. So happy I stimvled across your childrens photographer site

  13. Anastasia says:

    What a fantastic blog with great advice. This will definitely help me prepare for my upcoming family session. Are you located in Bradenton? I am looking for a children’s photographer for spring next year!

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